Intro to Horses 12 Week

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Our intro to horses class runs as aa 12 week program . RFEC intro to horses classes are all built around Safe and basic horsemanship. These are all aspects of safety when working around large unpredictable animals , learning to lead, halter, groom, tack/un tack in addition to riding. These include but are not limited to correctly getting on and off, correct position when riding, learning to hold and shorten reins, learning to correctly ask the horse to stop and move forward as well as steering the horse. Once these tasks are completed correctly and safely students will progress on to more difficult tasks in their riding journey. In this series of classes students will also learn parts of the saddle, nutrition and stall cleaning . We set goals each week and base the curriculum as each student progresses in their riding.  We recommend our 12 week program for students  who are actively interested in learning all about horses and riding. This package gives students a very good solid foundation in the basics and a fair amount of lessons to begin building up their muscle,core strength, balance ,confidence ,and knowledge to correctly and safely begin to understand the fundamentals of riding.  Please let us know if you have any additional questions. All packages and lessons slots are first come first serve.  *shipping is a CC fee*